Learn how to measure transactions per second in SQL Server with this quick and easy guide. We'll show you step-by-step how to get started so you can get the information you need right away.
Measure Total Transactions on All Instances
Declare @Last_Restarted_Date DATETIME;
SELECT @Days=DATEDIFF(D,sqlserver_start_time, GETDATE()),
@Last_Restarted_Date= sqlserver_start_time
FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info
SELECT @Days = CASE WHEN @Days = 0 THEN 1 ELSE @Days END;
/*** Get total transactions occurred in SQL Server Instance since last restart ***/
SELECT @Last_Restarted_Date AS 'SQL Server Restart TimeStamp',
@@SERVERNAME AS 'Instance Name',
cntr_value AS 'Total Transactions Since Last Restart',
cntr_value / @Days AS 'Avg Transactions\Day',
cntr_value / (@Days*24) AS 'Avg Transactions\Hour',
cntr_value / (@Days*24*60) AS 'Avg Transactions\Min',
cntr_value / (@Days*24*60*60) AS 'Avg Transactions\Sec'
FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
WHERE counter_name = 'Transactions/sec'
AND instance_name = '_Total';
Database Specific Transactions Per Second
Declare @Last_Restarted_Date DATETIME;
SELECT @Days=DATEDIFF(D,sqlserver_start_time, GETDATE()),
@Last_Restarted_Date= sqlserver_start_time
FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info
SELECT @Days = CASE WHEN @Days = 0 THEN 1 ELSE @Days END;
/*** Get database Wise Average Transactions since last SQL Server restart ***/
SELECT @Last_Restarted_Date AS 'SQL Server Restart TimeStamp',
@@SERVERNAME AS 'Instance Name',
cntr_value AS 'Total Transactions Since Last Restart',
cntr_value / @Days AS 'Avg Transactions\Day',
cntr_value / (@Days*24) AS 'Avg Transactions\Hour',
cntr_value / (@Days*24*60) AS 'Avg Transactions\Min',
cntr_value / (@Days*24*60*60) AS 'Avg Transactions\Sec'
FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
WHERE counter_name = 'Transactions/sec'
AND instance_name <> '_Total'
ORDER BY cntr_value DESC;