Troubleshoot and fix sp_msforeachtable QUOTED_IDENTIFIER error
Troubleshoot SQL agent on Linux not starting
T-SQL Query to find SQL database age and number of tables in SQL Server
SQL Database Error - BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup
Enclose a list of values into single quotes from CSV for T-SQL query for SQL Server database
T-SQL script to get user session count with client IP address
SQL Server Missing Index Script
Script SQL Database Permissions for database refresh
SQL Server Database Mirroring Login Attempt Failed with Error ‘Connection Handshake Failed’
T-SQL Script to find out Nth highest salary
Disable and Enable SQL Server Indexes
T-SQL Script to generate Six Digit One Time Password (OTP)
Learn SQL SELECT TOP statement
"Invalid Object Name" Error in SSMS for recently created objects
How to stop logging successful backup messages in SQL Server error logs
Generate Blocking tree in SQL Server and Azure SQL Database
Query To Kill All Active Connections in Azure SQL Database
SQL Server Error 9002 – The transaction log for database <DBName> is full due to 'Replication.'
SQL Script to check database connections and their status